Consistency Is Key
We often worry so much about what we will eat over festive periods like CNY, when what we should be worrying about is what we eat the rest of the year.
It is often not the short celebrations or the occasional trips that derail us. Yet we often focus on this. What really matters is what we do around these. Travel is important to us so when we travel we do indulge in local specialities- for us that forms part of the experience of jumping into other cultures and celebrations. The same applies to celebrations through the year. We eat the pineapple tart, the christmas cake but mindfully and with intention.
The rest of the year, between these indulgences we know where our base is, after a trip or celebration we know where to go back too and we usually do so with natural haste. That is after all where we thrive and feel our best. It’s powerful to enjoy life’s little moments but at the same time not jump knee deep in sugar and processed foods!
Instead of focusing on CNY, your holiday or an upcoming event or celebration shift your focus to your habits the majority of your time. It’s that consistency that is key. After all change is a marathon and not a sprint.