Day in the life of a (pregnant) health coach…
I usually wake up around 6:00 am, partly because I have had enough sleep and partly because that is when my puppy starts stirring.Since being pregnant my mornings do tend to stretch out a bit more as in the past I was intermittent fasting every other day so I saved a lot of time there. Since being pregnant- breakfast is a must- I wake up starving!
Breakfast is usually eggs and vegetables with lashings of ghee feature about 50% of the time at breakfast, with smoothies making up the rest of my breakfasts- I currently use the Whole Body Collagen powder from Designs For Health. It’s great for when you’re pregnant as it has zero taste or smell and packs in 11g of protein per serve.
I like to walk into work, so I can start thinking through my day. I always put 2 glass jugs of water on my desk as soon as I arrive to ensure I drink enough during the day. As the baby grows it is certainly harder to walk- but I keep pushing myself to stay active.
After checking emails and following up on clients – my day truly begins- each day is different- some days can really be back to back with clients and on those days I make sure to keep some snacks on my desk between clients to keep me going before I manage to get lunch.
Pre-pregnancy I very rarely used to snack. The type of snacks I now keep on hand are dried apricots, nuts, seeds, fresh beetroot and green juice and broth. The dried apricots and beetroot juice are a new edition as recent blood tests showed my iron was slightly dipping.
During pregnancy it has been incredibly important for me to ensure I have blood work done at the start of each trimester- if there are any deficiencies I want to be able to top up on those nutrients so after birth I am at less risk of being depleted.
When I have it all together I bring lunch in- usually something super simple like a broth based soup, left-overs from the night before or salad. If i’m eating out I tend to get the daily cut or a small burrito bowl with rice- i’m usually mostly grain free but during pregnancy have added back some grains at lunch time.
Sitting has become increasingly difficult so I try and be vigilant about getting up and stretching between clients. I learn so much from my clients and each and every client pushes me to think differently and reminds me, even on busy days not to forget the small habits that make a difference daily.
After work I walk home and spend the evening taking it pretty easy– after a busy day I allow myself the indulgence of a short nap, try to do some stretches and eat a leisurely dinner.
Dinner is usually roasted veg + protein, salad + protein. I have had a bit more of a sweet tooth during pregnancy so may have some berries with coconut yoghurt or cocoa powder and coconut butter ‘fat bombs’ after dinner.
Sleep is not as easy and pretty fragmented so I try to get to bed early so I get a few windows of sleep. The Magnesium gel from Designs For Health is a lifesaver to ease pregnancy cramps!
And this certainly wouldn’t be realistic If I didn’t mention pregnancy cravings… If I eat enough protein I tend to be ok and have craved very little during the pregnancy, but at the same time I allow myself some indulgences without feeling guilty. My diet is 80-90% a blend of healthy protein, good fat and veggies and fruit so I don’t sweat it if I feel like an ice cream or a slice of pizza from time to time.
I honestly feel one of the most important things during pregnancy is not to wrap yourself in cotton wool and not to overthink things- try to enjoy the crazy ride and leave google searching out of it as much as possible!